Add Any App to Your Mac Menu Bar

Add app icons and notifications to your Mac menu bar for easy notification tracking and quick app launching

Badgeify Hero Image

Core Features

Enhance Your Menu Bar

Timely Notifications

Never Miss a Message

Stay updated with notifications from emails, messages, calendar reminders, and other applications at a glance.

Hide Dock Worry-Free

Never miss important messages even with your Dock hidden.

Support for All macOS Apps

Get timely notifications from both system and third-party applications.

Customize Your Menu Bar

Custom Icons

Personalize each app in your menu bar by choosing any icon you like

Automatic Adaptation

Perfectly adapts to system light and dark modes, maintaining interface harmony.

Eye-Catching Alerts

Choose your preferred colors for automatic highlighting when new messages arrive

Boost Your Productivity

Quick Access

Quickly access your most-used applications to boost productivity

Smart Hide

Automatically hide icons when there are no notifications, saving menu bar space

App Grouping

Group applications to share a single menu bar icon, keeping your menu bar clean

Master Mac Menu Bar Customization

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Frequently Asked Questions

Explore these questions to understand how Badgeify can transform your macOS experience, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

What exactly does Badgeify do?

Badgeify is an app for Mac that helps you see notifications from your other apps right in the menu bar. It shows you how many unread messages you have, so you don't have to keep switching between apps. This makes it easier to stay updated without cluttering your screen.

Can I say goodbye to my Dock with Badgeify?

Badgeify doesn't remove the Dock, but it lets you work without it if you want. You can hide the Dock and still see notifications and launch apps from the menu bar, making your workspace cleaner and more efficient.

How do I make my menu bar look awesome with Badgeify?

With Badgeify, you can personalize your menu bar by adding app icons and showing notification counts. You can even change the default icons to ones you like better, making your Mac feel more like yours.

How does Badgeify keep me updated on messages from various apps?

Badgeify turns your menu bar into a notification center. It shows you how many messages you have from apps like Messages, Apple Mail, Slack, and Microsoft Teams, so you can see everything at a glance without opening each app.

Can I customize icons for different apps?

Yes! You can choose from three styles for each app's icon: the original icon, a recommended one from Badgeify, or even add your own custom icon. This way, you can make your menu bar look just how you want.

Can I use Badgeify with other menu bar management tools?

Definitely! Badgeify works well with other menu bar management tools like Bartender, Hidden Bar and Ice. This means you can use it alongside your favorite apps to make your Mac even more personalized.

What about privacy? What permissions does Badgeify require?

Badgeify only needs permission to use the macOS Accessibility API. It doesn't collect or share your personal data, so you can use it without worrying about your privacy.

Which macOS versions are supported by Badgeify?

Badgeify works with macOS 10.15 Catalina and all newer versions. The app is regularly updated to stay compatible with the latest macOS, ensuring you have a smooth experience.

Maximize your screen space now!

Add app icons and notifications to your menu bar for easy notification tracking and quick app launching.