

  • Enhanced Finder app handling in application toggling for a smoother experience
  • Improved macOS accessibility support for better application management


  • Enhanced license upgrade dialog user experience
  • Fixed the issue where notification count does not change with menu bar background after deactivation


This version introduces new customization options and improves the settings interface:

  • Added “When clicking an active app’s icon” option to control menu bar icon click behavior
  • Enhanced overall user experience with clearer settings

New settings interface


This version focuses on performance improvements and menu enhancements:

  • Significantly improved app stability and reduced memory usage
  • Enhanced menu bar functionality with new menu item “Show/Hide Notifications” for a better user experience

Show/Hide Notifications Tray Menu


We’ve released new version with some great improvements:

  • Enhanced user experience by hiding the “Quit App” option for internal macOS applications
  • Completely redesigned the license activation flow and upgrade dialog for a smoother experience

Upgrade Dialog


Some nice enhancements:

  • Fixed an issue where the menu bar icon wasn’t updating immediately after adding new apps
  • Improved user experience by remembering the position of the settings window
  • Enhanced menu bar icon update mechanism for immediate reflection of changes


Quick fix in this version:

  • Resolved an issue where adding apps might become unresponsive on the latest macOS versions


This version brings some visual improvements:

  • Improved application name retrieval to prioritize local info dictionary
  • Increased menu bar icon size from 32x32 to 64x64 pixels for better visibility
  • Updated “Quit” menu item text to use generic “Quit App” for consistency


Minor fixes in this version:

  • Removed unnecessary extra space in the menu bar
  • Added padding to about page to fix layout issues


Exciting new features in this version!

  • Introduced new Advanced settings page for more granular control
    • Moved Icon Visibility settings to this new page for better organization
    • Added “Hide icon when no notifications” option to automatically declutter your menu bar

Advanced Settings

  • Significantly improved app performance, stability, and memory usage for a more reliable experience
  • Hidden the “Quit Finder” option for Finder to avoid causing the Menu Bar to restart on older macOS versions


This version brings some cool new features:

  • Added “Show transparent icon when app isn’t running” setting, providing a subtle visual cue for inactive apps

Show transparent icon when app isn't running

  • Introduced “Quit” option in the system tray menu for each application

Quit option


Big news! This version introduces a Free version of Badgeify:

  • New Free version with basic features for everyone:
    • Support for up to 3 apps in the menu bar
    • Notification tracking
    • Quick-launch apps from the menu bar
    • Default app icons
  • Significantly improved license key management for increased stability and reliability
  • Redesigned the pricing model to offer more flexibility to users

Earlier Versions

Our journey from v0.1.1 to v0.1.21 brought numerous improvements and features:

  • Enhanced app stability and performance
  • Improved tray icon handling and refresh logic
  • Added ability to add, remove, and reorder applications with drag-and-drop functionality
  • Introduced feedback button and update notifications in the sidebar
  • Implemented automatic update checks and downloads
  • Added support for custom SVG icons and automatic icon style adjustment
  • Introduced configurable notification display for applications
  • Improved license validation process and error handling
  • Added “Show window on startup” option in General Settings
  • Introduced an onboarding carousel for new users

For more details on custom icon usage, see Use Your Own Icons to Customize Your macOS Menu Bar